Marcellus Shale EROEI 85:1 ?

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Marcellus Shale EROEI 85:1 ?

The paper looked at gas from horizontal, hydraulically fractured wells in the Marcellus Shale of Pennsylvania and their analysis indicates that the EROI ratio of a typical well is likely between 64:1 and 112:1, with a mean of approximately 85:1. This range assumes an estimated ultimate recovery of 3.0 billion cubic feet per well, similar to the estimated ultimate recovery of coal, which falls between 50:1 and 85:1.
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Re: Marcellus Shale EROEI 85:1 ?

Ruben DK

Hay algo que huele a chamusquina. Tiene alguien el informe al que se refiere el link? Esos pozos ya fueron estudiados como se menciona en El mapa de los pozos:

Cuánto es la TRE de un pozo de gas, sin fracking?! según wikipedia es 10: