Nuevo avance en la produccion de hidgrogeno mas rapido y barato

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Nuevo avance en la produccion de hidgrogeno mas rapido y barato


"The link between the rate of water oxidation and hydrogen production has been overcome, allowing hydrogen to be released from the water 30 times faster than the leading PEME process on a per-milligram-of-catalyst basis."

The research was produced as part of the University of Glasgow Solar Fuels Group, which is working to create artificial photosynthetic systems which produce significant amounts of fuel from solar power.

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Re: Nuevo avance en la produccion de hidgrogeno mas rapido y barato

Hablan de velocidad más que de precio. Mencionan las membranas semipermeables y su elevado precio, pero la electrólisis no tiene porque usar tales membranas.

En ningún sitio hablan del rendimiento, ojo.